2017.03.03According to formal objection from Germany against the standard EN 60335-2-14 _Blender, New EK1 decision 646-16 has been published on 2017-01-25. 根据德国对标准 EN 60335-2-14 中的搅拌器防机械伤害要求提出的异议,新的
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EK1 646-16 GS 认证中食品搅拌器防机械伤害的最新要求
DATA:2017-03-03 浏览次数:0

According to formal objection from Germany against the standard EN 60335-2-14 _Blender, New EK1 decision 646-16 has been published on 2017-01-25.
根据德国对标准 EN 60335-2-14 中的搅拌器防机械伤害要求提出的异议,新的 EK1 646-16决议已经于 2017-01-25 正式发布了。
Involved products/涉及的产品: Table blenders/台式搅拌器

How can the objection be taken adequately into account when granting the GS mark?
在 GS 认证中如何充分考虑这些异议呢?
Proposal of solution as below/建议的解决方案如下:
1. EN 60335-2-14, clause 20.2 The first sentence of the third paragraph is modified as follows:
“The test probe is not applied to feed openings having a throat with the following dimensions:”
– a height of at least 100 mm, measured from the upper edge of the cutting blade;
– an average of the maximum and minimum cross-sectional dimensions of the feed opening that does not exceed 65,5 mm;
– a maximum cross-sectional dimension of the feed opening that does not exceed 76 mm.
送料口的最大截面尺寸不超过 76mm。
2. EN 60335-2-14, clause 20.2 The following paragraph is deleted:
For blenders, detachable parts, except lids, are not removed. The test is carried out with a test probe similar to that of test probe B of IEC 61032 but having a circular stop face with a diameter of 125 mm instead of the non-circular face, the distance between the tip of the test finger and the stop face being 100 mm.
对于搅拌器,可拆卸的附件,除了盖,不被移去,试验指采用类似IEC 61032中B型试验探棒,但是用直径为125mm的圆挡板代替非圆挡板,从试验指尖端到挡板的距离为100mm。
Note 1: Now if applying for a GS mark certification, the test of protection against mechanical hazards is carried out with a test probe that is similar to test probe B of IEC 61032 but having a circular stop face with a diameter of 50mm, instead of the non-circular face. (Detail pictures as below)
注意1:现在如果申请GS认证,防机械伤害的测试采用类似IEC 61032中B型试验探棒,但该探棒具有个直径为50mm的圆形限位板,以替代原来的非圆形限位板。(图片展示如下)

Note 2: With detachable parts removed, if dangerous moving parts of the blender can be touched with the test probe, interlock switch is required on the products to ensure the cutting blade cannot be operated. (Position of interlock switch shown as below)

3. The sub-clauses 20.112, 20.113 and 20.114 shall be as well applied for the product group blenders during GS Mark application.
GS 认证中,条款20.112, 20.113和20.114应也适用于搅拌器一类产品。
20.112: The cutting blade of food processors shall stop within 1.5 s after the lid has been opened or removed.
20.113: The lid interlock of food processors shall be constructed so that accidental operation of the appliance is prevented. Lid interlock switches shall be biased-off switches.
If there is an interlock between the lid and the main switch, the lid shall be locked when the switch is in the on position. When the lid is not correctly closed, the switch shall be locked in the off position.
20.114: Access to dangerous moving parts of food processors shall be prevented for all combinations of assembly of detachable parts that allow the motor to operate.
Detachable parts are removed or assembled incorrectly in a manner that can occur in use, such as the incorrect location or misalignment of the parts.
A force not exceeding 5 N is applied to the parts in any direction and it shall not be possible to touch dangerous moving parts with test probe B of IEC 61032.
将不超过5N的力从任何方向施加于部件,IEC 61032中的试验探棒B不能触及危险的运动部件。
This requirement is implemented starting from 2017-01-25 for the GS Mark certification.
Existing GS Mark certificates for blenders have to be updated to this requirement before 2017-04-24 or they have to be cancelled.
Noted: the rights of final explanation to above contents belong to SLG-CPC。
Owen Zhan 占志亮
Manager / Head of CBTL
Product Testing Dept.
Tel: +86 769 22607797 (2521)
Fax: +86 769 22607907
Damon Wu 伍瑞标
Supervisor of household appliance
Tel: +86 769 22607797 (2520)
Fax: +86 769 22607907